meetup copied to clipboard
State management via mobx / mobx-state-tree
Summary of talk
I've heard a lot of good things about mobx & mobx-state-tree, but haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I'd be interested in attending a talk on it!
I would like to put my hand up for that. Ill post up an issue soon to volunteer a talk on this topic.
Yaaas - thanks Althea 🙌
Hi @altheaschutte,
Just wanted to ask if you were still keen to do a talk on MobX? If so, we've got a slot for the October meetup this Monday (sorry for short notice haha - if too short notice there's a slot free for November too!)
Let me know!
Hey sorry Ive been out of touch. I cant get any Monday evenings free this year as I am committed to teaching these nights. Sorry about that! Hopefully someone else can do a talk on this.