structor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
structor copied to clipboard

Webpack config was not found.

Open heianqishizhisuiyuan opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

Open http://localhost:2222/structor/ it tip" Cannot GET /structor-deskpage/home ",
and I change the line in package.json file in scripts section: "structor": "structor" to "structor": "structor -v"; Then I " npm run structor" ,it tip "Error happened during server initialization: Webpack config was not found. TypeError: webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin is not a constructor Structor has been started successfully."

step: 1.into my project "H:\fxglweb\fxglweb-home"; 2.npm install structor; 3.npm install cross-env and change package.json "start":"cross-env NODE_ENV=src better-npm-run start" 4.npm run struct.

my package.json: { "name": "xweb-home-fxgl", "version": "2.0.1", "description": "Xweb Framework - fxgl", "private": true, "homepage": "", "keywords": [ "react", "react-component", "framework", "frontend" ], "bugs": { "url": "" }, "main": "./src/index.js", "files": [ "dist" ], "licenses": [ { "type": "CompanyLicense", "url": "" } ], "engines": { "npm": ">=4" }, "scripts": { "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=src better-npm-run start", "compile": "better-npm-run compile", "clean": "echo "Info: 清理..." && node ./node_modules/rimraf/bin -rf dist && mkdir dist", "dev": "better-npm-run dev", "dist": "npm run deploy:prod", "deploy": "better-npm-run deploy", "deploy:dev": "echo "Info: 编译开发环境..." && better-npm-run deploy:dev", "deploy:prod": "echo "Info: 编译正式环境..." && better-npm-run deploy:prod", "test": "echo "Info: 测试" && cross-env NODE_ENV=production test", "test:dev": "npm run test -- --watch", "build:api": "aglio -i docs/api/index.apib -o docs/api/index.html", "analyze": "echo "Info: 使用包分析器进行分析" && cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack --config --analyze --progress --colors", "lint": "echo "Info: eslint检查" && better-npm-run lint", "docs:clean": "rimraf _book", "docs:prepare": "gitbook install", "docs:build": "npm run docs:prepare && gitbook build -g yelouafi/redux-saga", "docs:watch": "npm run docs:prepare && gitbook serve", "docs:publish": "npm run docs:clean && npm run docs:build && cd _book && git init && git commit --allow-empty -m 'update book' && git checkout -b gh-pages && touch .nojekyll && git add . && git commit -am 'update book' && git push [email protected]:yelouafi/redux-saga gh-pages --force", "structor": "structor -v" }, "betterScripts": { "compile": { "command": "node --max_old_space_size=4096 bin/compile", "env": { "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "dev": { "command": "nodemon bin/dev-server --ignore dist --ignore coverage --ignore tests --ignore src", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "development", "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "deploy": { "command": "npm run clean && npm run compile", "env": { "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "deploy:dev": { "command": "npm run deploy", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "development", "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "deploy:prod": { "command": "npm run deploy", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "production", "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "start": { "command": "node --max_old_space_size=4096 bin/dev-server", "env": { "DEBUG": "app:" } }, "lint": { "command": "node ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint --ext .js,.jsx src", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "development" } }, "test": { "command": "node ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start config/karma.config", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "test", "DEBUG": "app:*" } } }, "dependencies": { "@xweb/xweb": "^1.0.1-beta6", "@xweb/xweb-components": "0.8.62", "@xweb/xweb-dict": "0.8.76-col", "@xweb/xweb-dict-grid": "0.8.53-col", "@xweb/xweb-dict-help": "0.8.79", "@xweb/xweb-style-aggrid": "^0.0.4", "@xweb/xweb-utils": "^1.0.15", "antd": "^2.8.3", "classnames": "^2.2.5", "echarts": "^3.5.1", "file-saver": "^1.3.3", "global": "^4.3.1", "jquery": "^3.2.1", "loadjs": "^3.5.0", 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heianqishizhisuiyuan avatar Oct 16 '17 03:10 heianqishizhisuiyuan

tim 20171016114504

heianqishizhisuiyuan avatar Oct 16 '17 04:10 heianqishizhisuiyuan

哥们, 你找到解决办法了吗

zhoubopro avatar Apr 19 '18 11:04 zhoubopro