voice copied to clipboard
Getting Error "7/No Match"
After few seconds of start recording getting "7/No Match" Error. I have also tried with sample code and I am getting same error.
My React Native setup is as below
react": "^16.6.3", "react-native": "^0.57.5", "react-native-voice": "^0.2.6",
Attached Log details as well as snapshot.
Hey i am also having the same error
i am also having the same error
To solve that problem you need to pass the following config to the .start method:
Voice.start('es_US', {
I think the RECOGNIZER_ENGINE is not necessary haha
I am also having the same error!
i am also getting same error. iOS works seamlessly perfect but on android it throws such error. i put only console.log for every event so that you can see the logs more clearly.
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:26.978] LOG services: ["com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox"]
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:28.464] LOG onSpeechStart: {"error": false}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:28.578] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": -2}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:28.817] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": -0.440000057220459}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:28.849] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": -2}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.360] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 1.119999885559082}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.710] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 0.039999961853027344}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.800] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 0.7599999904632568}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.104] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": -0.440000057220459}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.113] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 0.8799998760223389}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.210] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 0.16000008583068848}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.212] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 1}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.212] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": 10}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:29.469] LOG onSpeechVolumeChanged: {"value": -2}
[Tue Mar 02 2021 14:24:33.729] LOG onSpeechError: {"error": {"message": "7/No match"}}
and this is my start function with options:
Voice.start('en-US', {
any help will be appreciated, thank you
yep, I get same err too. It is OK in fist time, and return an err in next time. I am using their example code and add this code but it still have err Voice.start('es_US', { "RECOGNIZER_ENGINE": "GOOGLE", "EXTRA_PARTIAL_RESULTS": true })
I'm facing the same issue. Did anyone find a solution to this?
Hey guys! I am also having this issue! Does anyone have any solution for this?
Getting same issue on android, Not working
Same issue. Either 5/Client side error
or 7/No match
, very frequent and I can't spot a pattern. Sometimes it will try to listen for a bit, other times it will be immediate on Voice.start()
Mesmo problema, alguém achou a solução?
try running on API level 30, I cant run it on 31 but working on API 30
@khaihoan2306 I'm on 30. Thanks for the possibility though, was worth taking a look (I forgot which I was on). It's not a certain thing; it's like 50/50 (successful recognition vs 5, 7, or 8). Where I left off last year, my hunch was that there's some sort of race condition on the assigned functions. Eg, recognize/start/stop competing; possibly if it picks up background noise against the speaker.
I am facing the same issue , Does anyone find any solution
I'm also facing the same issue.
Any updates on this issue ? @imyagnesh
Any updates? I just came across this issue as well
Any updates?
im also facing this issue
Facing same issue here.
i also facing the same issue
be sure to have checked the "Virtual microphone uses hosta audio input" option, in Microphone options from the android emulator
be sure to have checked the "Virtual microphone uses hosta audio input" option, in the Microphone options from the android emulator @lucadev22 That was it, thanks!
Any update? I have same error!
Has no one been able to solve this issue?
If you are using android emulator, make sure to tick Microphone => "Virtual microphone uses host audio input" which you can get by clicking "..." in Running Devices. If must work fine on real device.
I was using emulator and for me checking "Virtual microphone uses host audio input" solved it. Although a lot of delay in detecting voice but was good enough to confirm that it works :-)
If you are using android emulator, make sure to tick Microphone => "Virtual microphone uses host audio input" which you can get by clicking "..." in Running Devices. If must work fine on real device.
I was using emulator and for me checking "Virtual microphone uses host audio input" solved it. Although a lot of delay in detecting voice but was good enough to confirm that it works :-)
bro you really solved my issue I just turned my microphone from emulator and all is good now . I was getting this error since yesterday : LOG speech error: {"error": {"message": "7/No match"}} now all is good let's meet somewhere else on some different issue 🤝🧡
has no one able to solve this error ! ;(
I'm using real device and still i couldn't solve this issue PLEASE help someone.
@lucadev22 do you know how to solve this problem in Android Real Device not emulator?