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Sans Serif Fonts
Thanks for the list. It would be nice to categorize the existing fonts (by adding the category in braces maybe). Here is a non-guaranteed list for Sans Serif fonts in both platforms for anyone who is interested:
Sans Serif Fonts
- Notoserif
- Roboto
- sans-serif (-light, -thin, -condensed, -medium)
- Arial (, -BoldItalicMT, BoldMT, -ItalicMT)
- Arial Rounded MT
- Avenir
- AvenirNex (-Regular, -Bold, -BoldItalic, -Medium, -MediumItalic, -UltraLight, -UltraLightItalic, -Heavy, - HeavyItalic, -DemiBold, -DemiBoldItalic)
- Futura (, -Medium, MediumItalic, CondensedMedium, -CondensedExtraBold)
- Gill Sans (, -Bold, -Italic, -BoldItalic, -LightItalic, -SemiBold, -SemiBoldItalic, -UltraBold)
- Helvatica (, -Bold, -BoldOblique, -Light, -LightOblique, -Oblique)
- Helvatica Neue (lots of variants)
- Sans Francisco
- Trebuchet MS (, -Bold, -Italic, Trebuchet-BoldItalic)
- Verdana (, -Bold, BoldItalic, -Italic)