picker copied to clipboard
Picker Item is not listed on IOS
I'm using Picker (@react-native-picker/picker) in a form, but on IOS it doesn't display the Picker.Items, on Android it worked perfectly estou usando a versão "@react-native-picker/picker": "2.4.10" e estou usando o "expo": "^49.0.0",
<InputContainer> <Label>{t('signIn.broker')}</Label> <Controller control={control} rules={{ required: true }} render={({ field: { onChange, onBlur, value } }) => ( <ContainerSelect> <Picker enabled={!isSubmitting && loadBrokers} selectedValue={value} onValueChange={onChange} onBlur={onBlur} style={{ backgroundColor: theme.colors.mediumGray, color: theme.colors.lightGray, height: 48, fontSize: 16 }} dropdownIconColor="white" dropdownIconRippleColor={theme.colors.mediumGray}> <Picker.Item label="" value="" /> {brokers.map((item: broker) => { return <Picker.Item label={item.nameDisplay} value={item.name} key={item.nameDisplay} />; })} </Picker> </ContainerSelect> )} name="broker" /> {errors.broker && <ErrorText>{errors.broker.message}</ErrorText>} </InputContainer>
"In the broker input, it should present a listing"
After installation of module run pod install
refer: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-native-picker/picker
@sairamchow5555 But is expo-managed flow necessary when doing so?
you can try to use the Selector from the native-base which also works similar to the react-native-picker/picker
its still not working using pod intstall on IOS any help ?
I ended up creating the component by hand, considering it was having problems
I can confirm that no items are rendered after following the install instructions within a clean install of the latest version of Expo 50.0.17 on iOS. What seems to be required is a parent View immediately around the picker, otherwise nothing will be rendered even if placed on a screen with other elements.