picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
picker copied to clipboard

react native community picker not working

Open viveKing21 opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Bug report

react native community picker not working there is a option of windows:


i installed Visual studio 2019 and follows the step, but the project file isn't loading in visual studio 2019 community

how can i use react-native-picker of community version ?? cause the steps given above not working for me for now i'm picker of react native core (import {Picker} from 'react-native'} but its showing me warning to use picker of react native community

viveKing21 avatar Jun 25 '20 12:06 viveKing21

Same problem over here. Copying the exact same code from example basically only renders an arrow, which does nothing when pressed.

nachogonzalezqq avatar Feb 23 '22 14:02 nachogonzalezqq