masked-view copied to clipboard
When the maskelement is an image , the masked view is not rendered(Android)
When the maskelement is an image , the masked view is not rendered . the onLoadStart in the image is only fired , whereas onLoadEnd and OnLoad is not being triggered
This works perfectly on IOS . all the three functions and triggered correctly
"react": "17.0.2", "react-native": "0.67.5", "@react-native-masked-view/masked-view": "^0.2.8",
const maskElement = ( <Image onLoad={() => console.log('onLoad')} onLoadStart={() => console.log('onLoadStart')} onLoadEnd={() => { setLoaded(true); console.log('onLoadEnd'); }} style={{width: size, height: size, backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderRadius: size / 2}} source={global_images.mask} /> );
the same problem here
Here is a work around. It triggers a rerender when the image source of the mask is loaded:
As documentation says
By default hardware rendering mode will be used for best performance, however if you need to animate your maskElement then you’ll need to switch to software to get your mask to update. This prop only affects Android.
So you may need to set androidRenderingMode="software"
to re-render maskElement properly