react-native-image-picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-image-picker copied to clipboard

Bad fileName on Android Picked Video [🐛]

Open jfries289 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


When using launchImageLibrary on Android and picking a video, the fileName comes back with the content URI, in the form content:// rather than an actual path/file name. This is of course unusable and throws an error when we try to save the file.

Picking a video on iOS works fine. Taking a new video on both iOS and Android works fine.

I am far from a Java expert, but it looks like the video file is being delivered by the Document Provider, but there doesn't seem to be a data column when I attempt Cursor cursor = activity.getContentResolver().query(contentURI, null, null, null, null);

How to repeat issue and example

On Android (version 12), launch picker with mediaType mixed or video. Select a video. ImagePickerResponse comes back as:

  "assets": [

Our code calling launchImageLibrary:

    mediaType: "mixed",
    includeBase64: false,
    selectionLimit: 0,


Need the real file path for videos.

Additional Information

  • Image Picker version: 4.7.3
  • React Native version: 0.63
  • Platform: Android 12
  • Development Operating System: MacOS
  • Dev tools: Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 3

jfries289 avatar Mar 17 '22 22:03 jfries289

Same for Fotos

There is a temp file name like:


pdaus1405 avatar Apr 01 '22 11:04 pdaus1405

Facing the same issue, did you come up with a solution since @jfries289 ? That would be very helpful :)

pierroo avatar Apr 07 '22 10:04 pierroo

Facing the same issue, did you come up with a solution since @jfries289 ? That would be very helpful :)

I had to switch to react-native-image-crop-picker

jfries289 avatar Apr 19 '22 02:04 jfries289

try copy your file to sandbox after selecting file with react-native-fs. may like this:

import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
const result = await launchImageLibrary(yourOptions);
const file = result.assets[0];
const newFileName = getFileName(file); // generate file name by file.type or anything you like
const realPath = `${RNFS.TemporaryDirectoryPath}/${newFileName}`;
await RNFS.copyFile(file.uri, destPath);
await RNFS.stat(destPath);
console.log(realPath); // the copied file path

simonNeo avatar Nov 23 '22 02:11 simonNeo

@simonNeo questions about this line

const newFileName = getFileName(file); // generate file name by file.type or anything you like

I'm not sure if it's me being stupid, but I'd like to get an original file name, is there a way to achieve this with react-native-fs?

alex-mironov avatar Nov 23 '22 10:11 alex-mironov

@simonNeo questions about this line

const newFileName = getFileName(file); // generate file name by file.type or anything you like

I'm not sure if it's me being stupid, but I'd like to get an original file name, is there a way to achieve this with react-native-fs?

sorry, I'm not sure how to get original file name. In some case, It seems that selected file with react-native-image-picker is a reference of original file, which has fake file name. so I don't trust in that react-native-image-picker provided.

simonNeo avatar Nov 24 '22 03:11 simonNeo