upgrade-support copied to clipboard
invalid path 'Specs/c/f/f/XCActionSheet./0.0.2/XCActionSheet..podspec.json'
OS: Windows 10 10.0.18363
CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
Memory: 6.17 GB / 15.94 GB
Node: 12.3.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
Yarn: Not Found
npm: 6.12.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
Watchman: 4.9.4 - C:\watchman\watchman.EXE
Android SDK: Not Found
Android Studio: Version AI-192.7142.36.36.6308749
Java: Not Found
Python: 2.7.16 - C:\Python27\python.EXE
@react-native-community/cli: Not Found
react: 16.11.0 => 16.11.0
react-native: 0.62.2 => 0.62.2
*react-native*: Not Found
Additionally I should mention that I try to install pods in windows using cocoapods 1.7.3 (I also tried with v1.7.5, 1.8.0, 1.8.4, 1.9.0, and 1.9.1) but none of them can not successfully install the pods and generate the pod.lock
. (I just want to generate the files to commit in my repository for later usages)
Upgrading version
from 0.59.10 to RN 0.62.2
running pod install --repo-update
gives me the error message below
PS C:\Users\SAEED\workspace\Project_NAME\ios> pod install --repo-update
Adding a custom script phase for Pod RNFBApp: [RNFB] Core Configuration
Detected React Native module pods for RCTRestart, RNCAsyncStorage, RNCMaskedView, RNDateTimePicker, RNFBApp, RNFBMessaging, RNGestureHandler, RNInAppBrowser, RNKeychain, RNReanimated, RNSVG, RNScreens, RNTextSize, TouchID, react-native-notifications, and react-native-safe-area-context
Updating local specs repositories
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/SAEED/.cocoapods/repos/master fetch origin --progress
remote: Enumerating objects: 67, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (44/44), done.
remote: Total 45 (delta 29), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
From https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs
39c566b2ea0..941bfa4e510 master -> origin/master
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/SAEED/.cocoapods/repos/master rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/SAEED/.cocoapods/repos/master reset --hard origin/master
**error: invalid path 'Specs/c/f/f/XCActionSheet./0.0.2/XCActionSheet..podspec.json'**
fatal: Could not reset index file to revision 'origin/master'.
[!] CocoaPods was not able to update the `master` repo. If this is an unexpected issue and persists you can inspect it running `pod repo update --verbose
I also check the cocoapods/spec repository, really there is a file with the name XCActionSheet..podspec.json
but probably it should have two dots consequently (that causes the error)
I also checked the folder 0.0.3
, it seems it has the same problem. (I've also check some other spec folders randomly. their names were correct.)
so at the end how I should solve the problem?
Reproducible demo
I'm working on it, just post it here soon maybe someone gives me a solution before I can reproduce the problem.
The same happens to me. Any solution up to now?
C:\Users\hdai.cocoapods\repos\cocoapods>pod repo update
Updating spec repo cocoapods
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/hdai/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods fetch origin --progress
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/hdai/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
$ C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe -C C:/Users/hdai/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods reset --hard origin/master
error: invalid path 'Specs/c/f/f/XCActionSheet./0.0.2/XCActionSheet..podspec.json'
fatal: Could not reset index file to revision 'origin/master'.
[!] CocoaPods was not able to update the cocoapods
repo. If this is an unexpected issue and persists you can inspect it running pod repo update --verbose
@halid-ali @SaeedZhiany Have you found the solution to this? I'm struggling with the same issue...
I have found a solution for this. You need to disable protect NTFS in the git config. This is the command: git config core.protectNTFS false
. See article Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63727594/github-git-checkout-returns-error-invalid-path-on-windows
I've just tried @stijnvdelsen's solution for the global Git config, and it worked perfectly in my case:
git config --global core.protectNTFS false