upgrade-support copied to clipboard
Upgrading to 0.72.4 breaks ios build
System: OS: macOS 12.6 CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz Memory: 570.12 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: version: 3.2.57 path: /bin/bash Binaries: Node: version: 16.15.1 path: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/node Yarn: version: 1.22.19 path: ~/Documents/redacted/MobileNew/node_modules/.bin/yarn npm: version: 9.8.0 path: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/npm Watchman: version: 2022.10.17.00 path: /usr/local/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: version: 1.11.3 path: /usr/local/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: - DriverKit 22.2 - iOS 16.2 - macOS 13.1 - tvOS 16.1 - watchOS 9.1 Android SDK: Not Found IDEs: Android Studio: 2021.1 AI-211.7628.21.2111.8139111 Xcode: version: 14.2/14C18 path: /usr/bin/xcodebuild Languages: Java: version: 11.0.11 path: /usr/bin/javac Ruby: version: 2.6.8 path: /usr/bin/ruby npmPackages: "@react-native-community/cli": Not Found react: installed: 18.2.0 wanted: 18.2.0 react-native: installed: 0.72.4 wanted: 0.72.4 react-native-macos: Not Found npmGlobalPackages: "react-native": Not Found Android: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: false iOS: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: false
Things I’ve done to figure out my issue
I used the upgrade helper, I updated dependencies with yarn upgrade, I have deintegrated and reinstalled pods, cleaned the build folder with xcode, deleted node modules and reinstalled.
- [x] I used upgrade-helper to do my upgrade.
Upgrading version
Runs fine on android after upgrade, but ios will not start and gives me this error:
The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/redacted/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-dcrewryozglykrfuxbhgujdqyegr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Pods.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/RNReanimated.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/REAScreensHelper.o /Users/redacted/Documents/redacted/MobileNew/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/LayoutReanimation/REAScreensHelper.m normal x86_64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler (in target 'RNReanimated' from project 'Pods') (1 failure)
seems to be something associated with react-native-reanimated, but i updated to the latest and does not help
Reproducible demo
I just bumped to this error. Try update react-native-screens to latest fix this for me.
Issue has been fixed after updating react-native-screens -.- Stupid shit