react-native-arkit copied to clipboard
ARKit.Model is not working
I successfully added art.scnassets folder and added ship.scn image. But image doesn't appeared in the app. Please explain the steps to add images. And also to add .dae image file
What file path did you use in the model definition. It needs to include the folder i.e "i.e: file:'art.scnassets/file_name.scn',"
I am having the same issue, I am using the same path: art.scnassets/ship.scn And I added the folder and file under my iOS App
Turns out the code in the example does not work, but this one does:
model={{ file: 'art.scnassets/iphone6.dae' }}
position={{ x: 0, y: -2.0, z: -3.0 }}
eulerAngles={{ x: 0, y: Math.PI * 2.0, z: 0 }}