react-draggable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draggable copied to clipboard

Can't use underlying element on mobile

Open MiljkovicMarko opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Hi, I use this Draggable to drag something like a caption, it has an editable span. I want to be able both to drag on touch (even when on top of editable span) and to enter text and place text caret where I touched (like in the default). I think this works on desktop but because of preventDefault if touchstart/move/end it doesn't work on touch devices (mobile). I know you implemented this to stop some scroll, but maybe user can implement it or you can make it optional, or something like that... Can you fix this, please or do you maybe have a workaround for me? Thank you, I really like your component it is really nice and simple to use!

MiljkovicMarko avatar Jun 30 '22 18:06 MiljkovicMarko

I am also having a similar issue. Would be great to hear if anyone has come up with a workaround for this.

bfeucht-wof avatar Jul 11 '22 13:07 bfeucht-wof

Same for me. Would be great if this was fixed.

mickael-btc avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 mickael-btc

I am running into the same issue. We have an element that is draggable, within a box and we also allow a click that will move the draggable element to move to the click. The user can hold their mouse down after the click and drag the element around. However, on mobile the context menu simply opens. The touch event is not properly firing or is blocked in this case.

theranbrig avatar Jul 26 '22 06:07 theranbrig