tooltip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tooltip copied to clipboard

React Tooltip


React Tooltip

NPM version npm download build status Codecov bundle size dumi


Browsers support

IE / EdgeIE / Edge FirefoxFirefox ChromeChrome SafariSafari OperaOpera
IE 8 + ✔ Firefox 31.0+ ✔ Chrome 31.0+ ✔ Safari 7.0+ ✔ Opera 30.0+ ✔




var Tooltip = require('rc-tooltip');
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');

// By default, the tooltip has no style.
// Consider importing the stylesheet it comes with:
// 'rc-tooltip/assets/bootstrap_white.css'

  <Tooltip placement="left" trigger={['click']} overlay={<span>tooltip</span>}>
    <a href="#">hover</a>


npm start and then go to http://localhost:8000/demo

Online demo:



name type default description
trigger string | string[] 'hover' which actions cause tooltip shown. enum of 'hover','click','focus'
visible boolean false whether tooltip is visible
defaultVisible boolean false whether tooltip is visible by default
placement string 'right' tooltip placement. enum of 'top','left','right','bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight', 'leftTop', 'leftBottom', 'rightTop', 'rightBottom'
motion object Config popup motion. Please ref demo for example
onVisibleChange (visible: boolean) => void; Callback when visible change
afterVisibleChange (visible: boolean) => void; Callback after visible change
overlay ReactNode | () => ReactNode tooltip overlay content
overlayStyle object style of tooltip overlay
overlayClassName string className of tooltip overlay
prefixCls string 'rc-tooltip' prefix class name of tooltip
mouseEnterDelay number 0 delay time (in second) before tooltip shows when mouse enter
mouseLeaveDelay number 0.1 delay time (in second) before tooltip hides when mouse leave
getTooltipContainer (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement () => document.body get container of tooltip, default to body
destroyTooltipOnHide boolean false destroy tooltip when it is hidden
align object align config of tooltip. Please ref demo for usage example
showArrow boolean | object false whether to show arrow of tooltip
zIndex number config popup tooltip zIndex

Important Note

Tooltip requires a child node that accepts an onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onFocus, onClick event. This means the child node must be a built-in component like div or span, or a custom component that passes its props to its built-in component child.


For accessibility purpose you can use the id prop to link your tooltip with another element. For example attaching it to an input element:

    <input type="text"

If you do it like this, a screenreader would read the content of your tooltip if you focus the input element.

NOTE: role="tooltip" is also added to expose the purpose of the tooltip element to a screenreader.


npm install
npm start

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage


rc-tooltip is released under the MIT license.