menu copied to clipboard
problems in extending the component
I am developing a ui intensitve project.
My strategy is
- in the first stage, I will use existing react component functionalities by extending them so that I can focus on main functionality I am developing. I recently learn that rc-compoents are among core components of ant-design. I thought they should have worked well after being inherited by cutomer components.
for example
class Switch extends RcSwitch {
Switch.propTypes = ...
- in the second stage, I will replace them by my own twisted version one by one.
I found that when I extend them, for example, rc-menu, the props will not be passed correctly from parent to children. How should I implement rc-components?
In antd , they did that in this manner
class SubMenu extends React.Component<any, any> {
static contextTypes = {
antdMenuTheme: PropTypes.string,
// fix issue:
static isSubMenu = 1;
private subMenu: any;
onKeyDown = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
saveSubMenu = (subMenu: any) => {
this.subMenu = subMenu;
render() {
const { rootPrefixCls, className } = this.props;
const theme = this.context.antdMenuTheme;
return (
popupClassName={classNames(`${rootPrefixCls}-${theme}`, className)}
export default SubMenu;
Clearly, I can employ flow-typed in es6 to do the exactly the same thing. But I won't because I think there is some problem in the original implementation so that I cannot simply "extend" it and follow the api provided by documentation. I pursue a nice method to do that without looking into the source code of "rc" series of components.
Could any developers give me some hint?
@yiakwy in order to further assist you, could you provide a codesandbox link to show props that does not pass down?