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CodeEval (defunct) problem statement archive
CodeEval (Defunct) Problem Statements
As of 2018-02-12, CodeEval has ceased operations. This (unofficial) repository mirrors* the problem statements for all 239‡ interactive challenges that once lived on the platform.
* A couple of problem statements are missing animated GIFs which I don't have a backup of. They were supplementary and are not required to solve the challenges in question.
‡ Technically, there were 240 challenges on the platform. Challenge #127 ("Code Plagiarism") wasn't an interactive/graded challenge; thus no points were awarded for it by the online evaluation system.
Easy (35 Points)
CID | Name | Synopsis |
152 | Age Distribution | Print out where the person is |
082 | Armstrong Numbers | Determine if a number is an armstrong number |
083 | Beautiful Strings | Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 problem |
163 | Big Digits | Print out magnified digits using pseudographics |
019 | Bit Positions | Bits in position x,y are same or different |
222 | Black Card | Find the winner |
099 | Calculate Distance | Calculate a distance between two points |
093 | Capitalize Words | Capitalize words in a sentence |
211 | Chardonnay or Cabernet | Guess a wine name |
205 | Clean Up the Words | Print the words separated by spaces |
192 | Compare Points | Given two (x, y) points A and B, determine which cardinal direction B is from A |
128 | Compressed Sequence | Write a program that compresses a sequence of numbers |
140 | Data Recovery | Reconstruct a sentence using hints |
166 | Delta Time | Find the time difference |
183 | Details | Determine how many cells will be shifted detail |
100 | Even Numbers | Determine if a number is even or not |
022 | Fibonacci Series | Print out the nth fibonacci number |
026 | File Size | Print the file size in bytes |
097 | Find a Writer | Find a famous writer in a string |
208 | Find the Highest Score | Find the highest rate in the table |
001 | Fizz Buzz | A simple game involving divisibility tests |
230 | Football | Find countries that are football fans |
039 | Happy Numbers | Determine if a number is a happy number or not |
067 | Hex to Decimal | Convert a hex number to it's decimal equivalent |
122 | Hidden Digits | Try to look behind the scenes |
102 | JSON Menu IDs | Calculate IDs in JSON menu |
149 | Juggling With Zeros | Convert a zero-based number into integer |
180 | Knight Moves | Find positions for the next move of the knight |
147 | Lettercase Percentage Ratio | Find the percentage ratio |
111 | Longest Word | Get the longest word in a sentence |
020 | Lowercase | Lowercase text |
103 | Lowest Unique Number | Find the lowest unique number in a set |
178 | Matrix Rotation | Rotate a 2D matrix 90 degrees clockwise |
186 | Max Range Sum | Determine max sum at the range |
240 | Mersenne Prime | Find all Mersenne numbers smaller than n |
189 | Minimum Distance | Find a point with the smallest sum of distances to every given point |
115 | Mixed Content | Separate words with digits |
116 | Morse Code | Decode Morse code |
018 | Multiples of a Number | Multiples of a number greater than another number |
023 | Multiplication Tables | Print out the grade school multiplication table upto 12*12 |
113 | Multiply Lists | Multiply elements in 2 lists |
062 | N Mod M | Determine the modulus (without the modulus operator) |
160 | Nice Angles | Convert angle values to sexagesimal format |
232 | Not So Clever | Simplicity is not always good |
025 | Odd Numbers | Print the odd numbers from 1 to 99 |
217 | One Zero, Two zeros... | Count zeros in a binary system |
237 | Panacea - Truth or Lie | Check whether the virus was stopped by antivirus |
092 | Penultimate Word | Find the next-to-last word |
003 | Prime Palindrome | Biggest prime palindrome < 1000 |
087 | Query Board | Set and get values from a matrix using tiny DSL |
136 | Racing Chars | Explore a race track avoiding crashes |
167 | Read More | Limit the length of the text |
227 | Real Fake | Check credit card numbers |
008 | Reverse Words | Reversing an input sequence of words |
031 | Rightmost Char | Print the position of the rightmost occurrence of a char |
124 | Road Trip | Do not be left without petrol |
156 | Roller Coaster | Turn the text into RoLlErCoAsTeR case |
106 | Roman Numerals | Convert a cardinal number to a Roman numeral |
040 | Self Describing Numbers | Determine if a number is a self-describing number or not |
030 | Set Intersection | Print the intersection of two sets of numbers |
107 | Shortest Repetition | Find the shortest repetition in a string |
235 | Simple or Trump | Check which card is higher |
091 | Simple Sorting | Sort several numbers |
174 | Slang Flavor | Add some slang to the text |
131 | Split the Number | Evaluate the number according to the pattern |
202 | Stepwise Word | Print the longest word in a stepwise manner |
199 | String Mask | Change case letters by mask |
203 | Strings and Arrows | Print the number of arrows in a string |
021 | Sum of Digits | Sum of digits comprising a number |
024 | Sum of Integers From File | Print the sum of integers read from a file |
004 | Sum of Primes | Sum of first 1000 primes |
096 | Swap Case | Swap case in a string |
112 | Swap Elements | Swap elements in a list |
196 | Swap Numbers | Swap numbers surrounding a word |
225 | Testing | Wanna try to be a tester? |
132 | The Major Element | Find the major element in a sequence |
214 | Time to Eat | Sort timestamps in the right order |
220 | Trick or Treat | Count all candies |
029 | Unique Elements | Extract unique list from a sorted list of numbers |
173 | Without Repetitions | Delete characters that are consistently repeated |
104 | Word to Digit | Substitute words to digits |
139 | Working Experience | Retrieve an actual value |
Moderate (65 Points)
CID | Name | Synopsis |
117 | A Pile of Bricks | Close a hole in a wall |
223 | Alternative Reality | Count all alternative ways |
041 | Array Absurdity | Determine if an array contains a duplicated entry |
084 | Balanced Smileys | Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 problem |
146 | Bats Challenge | Count bats on the wire |
236 | Beat or Bit | Learn more about the Gray code algorithm |
209 | Black or White | Find the smallest submatrix |
179 | Broken LCD | Determine whether a given number can be displayed on the damaged LCD |
218 | Builders Team | Count all squares on the map |
184 | Burrows-Wheeler Transform | Complete file decompression by inverting BWT |
138 | Car Race | Determine the fastest car |
172 | Card Number Validation | Check if bank card numbers are valid |
054 | Cash Register | Determine the amount of change to be returned |
119 | Chain Inspection | Try to pass a chain |
133 | City Blocks Flyover | Chart the path of a helicopter from above to discover how many city blocks it flew over |
238 | Code Combinations | Check whether you can make words from the given letters |
148 | Color Code Converter | Determine and convert the color code |
197 | Column Names | Convert integer to excel-style column name |
187 | Consecutive Primes | Determine how many ways the numbers can be arranged such that every consecutive pair sums to a prime |
063 | Counting Primes | Count the number of primes between two integers |
027 | Decimal to Binary | Print the binary representation of a decimal number |
073 | Decode Numbers | Count the number of ways to decode a string |
005 | Detecting Cycles | Detecting loops within a sequence |
033 | Double Squares | FaceBook Hacker Cup 2011: Output the number of ways to write X as the sum of two squares |
215 | Double Trouble | Calculate the number of correct variants for messages |
035 | Email Validation | Write a regular expression to validate an email address |
015 | Endianness | Determine the endianness of a system |
169 | Filename Pattern | Filter a list of filenames |
101 | Find a Square | Do 4 points make a square? |
012 | First Non-Repeated Character | Find the first non repeated character in a string |
075 | Flavius Josephus | Eliminate every i'th item from a circular list |
161 | Game of Life | Implement the classical cellular automaton game |
181 | Gronsfeld Cipher | Decipher the message enciphered with the Gronsfeld cipher |
170 | Guess the Number | Guess the number in log2(N) steps |
158 | Interrupted Bubble Sort | Sort a list of elements, partially |
043 | Jolly Jumpers | Determine if a sequence of numbers is a Jolly Jumper |
177 | Justify the Text | Align the text to the specified width |
153 | Locks | Calculate unlocked doors |
002 | Longest Lines | Finding the 'N' longest lines within a file |
121 | Lost in Translation | Try to become a native speaker |
011 | Lowest Common Ancestor | Determine the lowest common ancestor within a tree |
206 | Lucky Tickets | Count the lucky tickets |
193 | Magic Numbers | Print out a list of all the magic numbers in a provided range |
231 | Meet Cocktail Sort | Learn more about cocktail sort algorithm |
233 | Meet Comb Sort | Learn more about the comb sort algorithm |
074 | Minimum Coins | Find the minimum number of coins to arrive at a total |
010 | Mth to Last Element | Determine the Mth to last element of a list |
016 | Number of Ones | Determine the number of one bits in an integer |
190 | Number Operations | Determine if it is possible to produce the number 42 with five cards |
034 | Number Pairs | Find pairs of numbers in a sorted array whose sum is X |
221 | Organizational Hierarchy | Recreate the hierarchy tree |
070 | Overlapping Rectangles | Determine if two rectangles overlap |
037 | Pangrams | Find the missing alphabets |
066 | Pascals Triangle | Print out pascals triangle upto a certain depth |
089 | Pass Triangle | Lead the way within the triangle |
098 | Point in Circle | Define whether a point is in a circle |
125 | Predict the Number | Try to go beyond the limits |
046 | Prime Numbers | Print prime numbers less than N |
013 | Remove Characters | Delete specific characters from a string |
045 | Reverse and Add | Continually add a number to its reverse to arrive at a palindrome |
071 | Reverse Groups | Reverse elements in a list k items at a time |
212 | Robo and Robitta | Count all nuts |
150 | Roman and Arabic | Calculate aromatic numbers |
137 | Seek for an Intruder | Find the IP address of an intruder |
130 | Sequence Transformation | Transform a binary sequence into a string |
094 | Simple Calculator | Create a simple calculator |
200 | Sort Matrix Columns | Sort matrix columns from lowest to highest numbers |
009 | Stack Implementation | Implement a stack interface |
076 | String Rotation | Find if a string is the rotation of another string |
078 | Sudoku | Determine if a grid layout is a valid sudoku solution |
165 | Suggest Groups | Help your friends to join groups |
017 | Sum of Integers | Determine the largest sum of contiguous integers in an array |
081 | Sum to Zero | Count of ways in which the sum of four numbers is zero |
143 | The Ministry of Truth | Your task is to help the Big Brother |
228 | To PI or Not to PI | Print a PI number |
032 | Trailing String | Determine if a string 'B' occurs at the end of string 'A' |
226 | Try to Solve It | How good decoder are you? |
194 | Twenty Forty Eight | Implement the 2048 game logic |
080 | URI Comparison | Determine if two URIs match |
068 | Valid Parentheses | Determine if string is a well-formed parentheses |
135 | Word Chain | Find the longest chain of words |
Hard (100 Points)
CID | Name | Synopsis |
134 | A Bus Network | Try to save more time |
095 | Advanced Calculator | Create an advanced calculator |
201 | Alphabet Blocks | Forming words from alphabet blocks |
239 | As Quick as a Flash | Learn more about the quick sort algorithm |
155 | ASCII Decryption | Decrypt a message |
109 | Bay Bridges | Build Bridges Over San Francisco Bay |
210 | Brainf*ck | Blow your mind |
064 | Climbing Stairs | Count the number of ways to climb to the top of a staircase |
051 | Closest Pair | Given a set of points in a two dimensional space, you will have to find the distance between the closest two points |
234 | Code Like Huffman | Learn more about Huffman's tree |
127 | Code Plagiarism | Compare source code of two programs |
090 | Commuting Engineer | Travelling Salesman Problem |
108 | Computer Terminal | Print text to terminal with control sequences |
151 | Cracking Eggs | Determine the number of drops |
195 | Crime House | Count criminals in the Crime House |
077 | Da Vyncy | Recreate a document from a set of fragments |
061 | Decryption | Determine the plain text message from an encrypted string |
144 | Digit Statistics | Find statistics in sequence |
048 | Discount Offers | Determine optimal pairing of customers with products |
069 | Distinct Subsequences | Determine the number of distinct subsequnces within a string |
188 | Distinct Triangles | Find the number of distinct triangles formed in a graph |
171 | DNA Alignment | Find the highest score of DNA sequences alignment |
123 | Efficient Delivery | Load your tankers with oil |
216 | Everything or Nothing | Check if a code is correct |
085 | Find Min | Facebook Hacker Cup 2013 problem |
141 | Flight 370 | Follow the current search results |
044 | Following Integer | Determine the next number in a sequence |
185 | Glue Shredded Pieces | Reconstruct the original text from overlapping pieces |
060 | Grid Walk | The number of grid points that can be accessed |
229 | Grinch | Help Grinch to find the shortest way |
154 | IP Package | Calculate IP checksum |
088 | Juggle Fest | A challenge from Yodle |
213 | Lakes, Not Cakes | Count all lakes |
105 | Largest Sub-Matrix | Determine the largest sub-matrix in a matrix |
198 | Less Money, More Problems | Help citizens by adding new coin denominations |
058 | Levenshtein Distance | Find out how big the social network of a word is |
191 | Lights Out | Switch all the lights off with minimum number of moves |
006 | Longest Common Subsequence | LCS between two strings |
182 | Longest Path | Find the longest path of unique elements |
164 | Mars Networks | Find the minimum length of the optical fiber cable which connects probes to a network |
036 | Message Decoding | Decode an encoded message |
079 | Minesweeper | Find the mines within a M*N matrix |
072 | Minimum Path Sum | Calculate the minimum sum of a path through a matrix |
114 | Package Problem | Put as many things into a package as possible |
047 | Palindromic Ranges | Find out a range of palindromic numbers |
049 | Peak Traffic | Finding out which friends you interact with most |
126 | Play With DNA | Write an algorithm that a finds DNA segment in a given DNA string |
086 | Poker Hands | Compare two poker hands |
007 | Prefix Expressions | Evaluating a prefix expression |
224 | Prisoner or Citizen | In jail or at large? |
176 | Ray of Light | Trace the path of light distribution |
053 | Repeated Substring | Find the longest repeated substring in a given text |
056 | Robot Movements | Number of ways a robot can reach its destination |
129 | Routing Problem | Find all the shortest paths for the package between two specified hosts |
145 | Running for President | Build your strategy to win the Presidency of the United States |
118 | Seat Your Team Members | Place the employees in a new office |
120 | Skyscrapers | Outline skyscrapers in a city |
057 | Spiral Printing | Print out a 2D array in spiral order |
204 | Straight Lines | Print the number of straight lines |
038 | String List | Create a new string from constituent alphabets |
014 | String Permutations | Print out all permutations of a string |
028 | String Searching | Determine if substring match exists |
050 | String Substitution | Create a new string by replacing substrings within it |
059 | Telephone Words | Print out the words corresponding to a telephone number |
052 | Text Dollar | Print out the text dollar amount of a given quantity |
110 | Text to Number | Convert English text representation of a number to a decimal number |
175 | The Cubes | Find the length of the shortest way in the multilevel labyrinth |
168 | The Frequency | Find the signals frequency |
157 | The Labyrinth | Find the shortest way to exit |
219 | The Tourist | Find the shortest route between cities |
162 | Too Unique | Find and mark the biggest submatrices of unique elements |
055 | Type Ahead | Building a type ahead feature |
042 | Ugly Numbers | Count the number of expressions that can be created from a number |
142 | Visit to the Headquarters | Organize the queues |
159 | Where Is Wi-Fi | Find out in which buildings there are hotspots |
207 | Which Way Is Faster? | Find the fastest way |
065 | Word Search | Find if a word exists in a grid |
License and Copyright
All original work is released under the MIT license, unless otherwise specified.
All third-party content, referenced product names, trademarks, images, and logos are property of their respective owners.