Looking at the code - the errors of the filament loading are not sent by the printer, though the printer also has the option of sending a 'wait' command. When...
If you look at mmctl and the load filament functions - there are busy wait loops in there signaling the filament errors waiting for the user to press enter, or...
There is only so much clarity blinking leds give - the printer has a screen they should use it in conjunction with the LED's so that the leds work if...
sure you can send an 'error' response to the printer but the fact that the MMU is basically non responsive (to serial) due to it hanging in a loop and...
The live update is another suggestion here. I'm guessing you're implying the existing filament cutting isn't sufficient for tip forming? And the idler is using the same stepper drivers as...
Also, so far as I understand - if the printer were to reset whilst the menu was performing an operation, or waiting for user to correct load - it wouldn't...
Was looking into this recently for asking on more error output. From what i can tell, the filament loading code, and serial decode all happens on the main loop, so...