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[DMP Review] Automatically activate new tasks for existing projects
Rationale / Begründung
When creating a new task for a specific catalog, it should be visible for existing projects right away
At the moment new created tasks are not automatically visible in existing projects. Instead users need to activate them manually. Since users won't check the list of available tasks for their project regularly, they won't see those new tasks.
Minimal functionality
- New tasks should automatically be added to existing projects
Nice-to-have functionality
- messages to the users when new tasks are available
References / Verweise
- https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ardmorganiser%2Frdmo+%5BDMP+Review%5D&type=issues
- similar to feature in #431 and #345
Wasn't there a feature implemented by @m6121 last year which handles that?
In #431 we implemented updates to views but not tasks. Maybe this can be aligned for both.
Ok, but this can be implemented in the same way I guess.
After looking at #431 again, we implemented only the removal of views. I also think this could be implemented analogously for tasks. However, we did not seem to have implemented the adding of views like requested here. This probably is also a nice feature for views. Should we include a config switch that turns on/off this behavior?