conda-rdkit copied to clipboard
rdkit installs libboost 1.67.0 rdkit-postgresql wants 1.65.1
doing the following install as of today on an ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
bash /tmp/ conda create -c rdkit -n my-rdkit rdkit conda activate my-rdkit conda install -c rdkit rdkit-postgresql mkdir postgres mkdir postgres/data mkdir postgres/log anaconda3/envs/my-rdkit/bin/initdb -D /home/username/postgres/data/ anaconda3/envs/my-rdkit/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/username/postgres/data/ -l /home/username/postgres/log/logfile start createdb my_rdkit_db
you end up with the following happening: psql my_rdkit_db psql (11.2) Type "help" for help.
my_rdkit_db=# create extension rdkit; ERROR: could not load library "/home/username/anaconda3/envs/my-rdkit/lib/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory my_rdkit_db=# \q
if you look in said directory:
if you downgrade with the following:
conda install -y boost-cpp=1.65.1 boost=1.65.1 py-boost=1.65.1
<<< snip >>>
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
boost pkgs/main/linux-64::boost-1.65.1-py36_4 boost-cpp pkgs/main/linux-64::boost-cpp-1.65.1-h14c3975_4
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
libboost 1.67.0-h46d08c1_4 --> 1.65.1-habcd387_4 py-boost 1.67.0-py36h04863e7_4 --> 1.65.1-py36hf484d3e_4
<<< snip >>>
psql at that point is happy... but... it removed rdkit... so... there is dissonance between what the two packages want.
Confirmed. The requirements listed for building the cartridge are inconsistent with those for the python extensions.
@dpwildboar : a workaround until this is fixed would be to just use separate conda environments for the cartridge and the python install