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Elmah.Contrib.WebApi provides an ASP.NET Web API exception filter, ElmahHandleErrorApiAttribute, for logging errors directly to ELMAH.


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Elmah.Contrib.WebApi provides an ASP.NET Web API exception filter, ElmahHandleErrorApiAttribute, for logging errors directly to ELMAH.

>>> Get Elmah.Contrib.WebApi via NuGet

The latest package is also available as a zip from the releases page.


Simply register it during your application's start up, or on a controller-by-controller basis.

protected void Application_Start()
    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new ElmahHandleErrorApiAttribute());


Note this filter requires ASP.NET (it passes the HttpContext directly to ELMAH to record info about the HTTP request). It will not work in a self-hosted WCF application.


This library is a port of Fabian Vilers' Elmah.Contrib.Mvc to ASP.NET Web API. The original implementation (for MVC) can be found here.


As a derivative work of Elmah.Contrib.Mvc, this library is available under the same MS-PL license.

Release History / Changelog

See the Releases page.