maybe there is a possibility to add katexR features to DiagrammeR? Just a thought. http://www.buildingwidgets.com/blog/2015/2/5/week-05-katex-in-r
That would be a great feature!
I really would like this!
I have never used (or even taken a look at) this dataset before, but it maybe interesting: https://registry.opendata.aws/amazon-reviews/
You are right. How about this list of tweet collections: https://www.docnow.io/catalog/
Sorry for not checking before giving the link.
Could this be interesting? https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6553904839447973888 Not that I am a fan or something :-)
Also this one could be interesting: https://github.com/EmilHvitfeldt/textdata
@helgasoft yes, I am aware of the possibilities within R itself, but with that approach there is no real morph. In the example of echarts the bars seem to be...
It's for Rmd. (I always intend to not be too dependent on shiny, and thanks too echarts4r I succeed very often :))