Ryan Roden-Corrent

Results 143 comments of Ryan Roden-Corrent

Thanks! Do you happen to know which Godot issues, so I can track them?

@nathanaelcunningham `y` uses the "unnamed" register unless you explicitly specify a register like `+` or `*`. If you want `y` to always use a clipboard register (and consequently work with...

Blocked by https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/36444

Looks like this has to be implemented on per-graph basis: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/8243c7ab5df9d341209d339ab001fd8e49ee95b3/editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp#L392-L401

@Shatur95 the exporter [only looks for materials with a `.tres` extension](https://github.com/rcorre/godot-blender-exporter/blob/6396b919aafdf40646420f5b2eff2a0ee3008753/io_scene_godot/converters/material/material.py#L157). Note that `.material` files are binary and `.tres` files are text, so you can't just change the extension on...

Ah, the exporter actually [opens the material file](https://github.com/godotengine/godot-blender-exporter/blob/564aa4f56cfe72be2d3c76893fe0380bb7548b8e/io_scene_godot/converters/material/material.py#L165) to figure out what type it is. It seems the type is necessary in the .escn file, to generate lines like: ```...

I just tried GLTF, and it also gets it wrong, but in a different way. In GLTF, the cube on the left looks wrong with the shapekey at `0` and...

@H4kor can you provide an example? I frequently use "closest" interpolation for low-poly texturing (e.g. https://rcorre.itch.io/modular-mech), and it seems to work fine. You might need to change your texture import...

> Mipmaps are generated by default I think that's the behavior of Godot, not the exporter. I don't think the exporter generates `.import` files at all. Though I suppose we...

What specifically doesn't work with 2.90? I've been using it with blender 2.90 for a week or two now and haven't noticed any issues.