Ryan Clark
Ryan Clark
@alulsh I'm not 100% sure if I wrote the `module.exports.config` correctly here. Is there a way to test this?
Am I correct that it is important that you bring a function to zeroarg, in order to take advantage of `function.toString()` as the documentation source? That is, would it need...
I built this functionality (sort of) into a set of Leaflet extensions: https://github.com/azgs/azgs-leaflet I extended the GeoJSON layer to make WFS GetFeature requests. Geoserver's WFS implementation will spit out GeoJSON...
Thanks Chris! I'll take a closer look.
The problem with randoms here is that if you add features subsequently, you'll end up duplicating them. Ideally that ID should be something unique. What do you think about some...
The `!Ref` `!Sub` stuff is tough to grapple with. I am wary of modules that are built to navigate those substitutions that aren't directly built/maintained by AWS. And in fact...
Yeah the code is _definitely_ not together yet, but the idea would be that every feature needs to be assigned a number that is unique in the dataset. In order...
> What is the value of an auto incrementing auto-incrementing is not actually the goal -- the goal is just uniqueness within a single dataset.
I appreciate that there are ways to collect envoy statistics as CloudWatch metrics, and @nbrandaleone your blog post looks super helpful towards that implementation. But just to reiterate the key...
Even though the sinon bug shouldn't be too hard to solve, it'll be backed up in a sinon v2 release. I wonder if aws-sdk-mock needs to hack around the bug...