Roland Kammerer
Roland Kammerer
- added a harmless verification example that prints the sysrq help to the kernel ringbuffer
ZFS is completely optional in LINSTOR, so if you use it, I suggest that you add a dependency on the zfs services for LINSTOR. That would be the satellite service...
Did you add the service dependency so that LINSTOR depends on the zfs services? If not, then no surprises at all. obviously it gets "ready" because it is started in...
I think these are 2 problems: - `zfs` (`list` or whatever) not ready when linstor starts: this has to be solved via inter-service dependencies. I'd assume linstor tries again and...
Hi @ggzengel , today I looked into it a bit closer, and we came up with the following: We don't want to fix this in a Proxmox (or plugin specific...
I love that. It will make it so much easier for me to finger point at LINSTOR if users complain about how plugins show that information :+1: :smile: "But thinly...
If "you" is me, then no, this is only part of the story
it could give an answer to free/total given that one assumes that it is an "autoplace". Then the autoplace yields a concrete answer like "node1:poolA", "node2:poolB". Given that, one could...
That is not true, there are use cases where it makes sense. For example "DRBD storage" in Proxmox is configured via a RG for every "storage" you define. Its properties...
> From linstor's perspective, it's really hard / not obvious to tell anything about "the affected" storage pools, as an `autoplace` or `spawn` could return different results when called multiple...