sfuthesis copied to clipboard
ToC appears under “List of Figures”
With the template, no matter what I do, my ToC, i.e. the list of headings, always ends up under list of figures, despite me not even using any of those (but I will). See template.pdf.
It doesn't make sense to me, because the order is definitely not like that in source:
This is an optional page. Use your choice of paragraph style for text on this page.
\addtoToC{Table of Contents}
% This is an optional page. Remove the following lines if you don't have any tables.
\addtoToC{List of Tables}%
% This is an optional page. Remove the following lines if you don't have any figures.
\addtoToC{List of Figures}%
% MAIN MATTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start writing your thesis --- or start \include ing chapters --- here.
I could of course have the list of figures and tables before, that would fix it. But I'd like the ToC before them just as defined in the template.