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Simple Text Editor for Sandstorm built with MeteorJS


TextEditor is an extremely basic plain text editing application for SandstormIO built with MeteorJS. However, since it's using MeteorJS, it is reactive, and data is live updated across clients.


  • Go to ./releases and download TextEditor.spk.
  • Upload to your sandstorm server and create a new document.

Testing it out locally:

meteor serve

Building for SandstormIO

Follow the vagrant spk steps found here https://docs.sandstorm.io/en/latest/vagrant-spk/platform-stacks/#meteor-platform-stack

Copied for posterity:

Meteor platform stack

For a Meteor app, keep the following in mind:

  • Run vagrant-spk setupvm meteor
  • Run vagrant-spk up. Note this will print lots of red text; sorry about that, then abruptly end.
  • Run vagrant-spk init and edit .sandstorm/sandstorm-pkgdef.capnp
  • Run vagrant-spk dev and make sure the app works OK at http://local.sandstorm.io:6080/
  • Run vagrant-spk pack ~/projects/meteor-package.spk and you have a package file!


Richard Caceres (@rchrd2)
