 [9P_Tempel_1-pre1.506-20050702.52-irs.csv.txt](https://github.com/NASA-PDS-Incubator/pds-view/files/3777864/9P_Tempel_1-pre1.506-20050702.52-irs.csv.txt) [9P_Tempel_1-pre1.506-20050702.52-irs.xml.txt](https://github.com/NASA-PDS-Incubator/pds-view/files/3777867/9P_Tempel_1-pre1.506-20050702.52-irs.xml.txt)
Attached are x.xml and x.jpg. The latter should be named x.dat, but github disapproved. The data file was originally 300+k records, but PDSView hangs on the reduced one as well....
Validate now allows non-ascii characters, so I assume that's the right thing to do. PDS View should match validate as well but misses the non-ASCII characters in the attached. [apd.zip](https://github.com/NASA-PDS-Incubator/pds-view/files/3844775/apd.zip)
The vertical orientation for the first Array_2D_Image is wrong. The .xml has Top to Bottom which I assume is correct, as Lev's viewer orients this correctly. However, there might legitimately...
I renamed the .img to .jpg to get it into github. The other .jpg is a screen capture of Lev's program after clicking "Table" for row 0. [andc_3519_50_0_a.xml.txt](https://github.com/NASA-PDS-Incubator/pds-view/files/3780219/andc_3519_50_0_a.xml.txt) ![Screen Shot...
In my home directory on pds-gamma is pdsview30.zip, what has an Array_2D. PDS View shows it only as a Table, and then only one column.
The attached has multiple bundle.xml and collection.xml files. A single validate of the entire directory (I may be the only person to validate more than 1 bundle at a time)...
One data label within a collection is incorrect, and validate fails on it, but the output is misleading and indicates that the problem is with the bundle.xml. I've pared down...
It's fine by me if you never fix this. This shows up for bundles and individual files. The example below validates a single file, but the final report says 2...
Added tests. Modified tests. Added features/integration.feature for fast testing ## 🗒️ Summary Brief summary of changes if not sufficiently described by commit messages. ## ⚙️ Test Data and/or Report One...