nvim-notify copied to clipboard
Is it possible to show the title in the border?
I'm trying to change the renderer according to this. I know how to change the colors, I can change the message buffer renderer and I'd like to display the title in the border. Any idea??
now receives the notification record so you can use it for setting the title like so
on_open = function(win, record)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(win, { title = record.title[1], title_pos = "center" })
set_hl {
NotifyINFOBody = { bg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyINFOBorder = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyINFOIcon = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.green },
NotifyINFOTitle = { bg = palette.green, fg = palette.mantle },
NotifyWARNBody = { bg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyWARNBorder = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyWARNIcon = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.peach },
NotifyWARNTitle = { bg = palette.peach, fg = palette.mantle },
NotifyERRORBody = { bg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyERRORBorder = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.surface0 },
NotifyERRORIcon = { bg = palette.surface0, fg = palette.red },
NotifyERRORTitle = { bg = palette.red, fg = palette.mantle }
local renderbase = require("notify.render.base")
require("notify").setup {
on_open = function(win, record)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(win, {
border = "solid",
title = {
" " .. record.title[1] .. " ",
"Notify" .. record.level .. "Title"
title_pos = "center"
render = function(bufnr, notif, highlights)
local namespace = renderbase.namespace()
local length = string.len(notif.icon)
notif.message[1] = string.format("%s %s", notif.icon, notif.message[1])
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, notif.message)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, namespace, 0, 0, {
hl_group = highlights.icon,
end_col = length,
priority = 50
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, namespace, 0, length, {
hl_group = highlights.body,
end_line = #notif.message,
priority = 50
@rcarriga Any idea why the message type (record.level
) is wrong here?
- open new
- exec
- try to save the file (
@rcarriga https://pasteboard.co/RFDUpBusMntk.png