I think I tracked down the problem to be an ACF bug, when you query `acf1\links` via ``` $field_value = get_field( $key, $id, $format ); ``` and the `$key` is...
I managed to work around the caching problem by patching `acf-value-functions.php` in principle you need to search the whole file for `$post_id:$field_name` and instead use the `$post_id:$field_name:$field_key`. Need to check...
created a patch for ACF, lets see if they take it
I believe your problem is exactly the same as mine. As stated above, the problem is wrong caching, the cache is stored with the wrong field id. In my case...
you can try out my patch (https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf/pull/403) and see if it helps.
@jasonbahl I rechecked with 0.5.0 and my problem persists, so my patch in https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf/pull/403 is still required
me too, @jasonbahl , can we get this in?
is anyone at coveralls home? this is ancient and now we do get deprecation warnings in GH actions
As I didn't get any more feedback I closed this ticket.
I got it from this very repo.