
Results 28 comments of rbt

Is this still an issue on recent DBIish/Raku combinations?

I ran into this on v2021.10 while trying to suppress a specific type of warning. ``` warn 'a warning'; warn 'different warning'; CONTROL { when CX::Warn { when .message.starts-with('a') {...

Interesting. I don't recall seeing the "corrupted double-linked list" message before. I also have no idea where it came from. Feels Java'ish and I don't see that message in Rakudo,...

Indeed. The libssl1.0-dev package has even been removed from Ubuntu 19.10. Seems safer to require the newer OpenSSL symbols than the older ones at this point.

It's impossible to fix properly as MySQL doesn't have any way of handling numbers over 2**64 other than as a string (that I've found), so string needs to be the...

> The issue refers to biggest MySQL numeric type that MySQL can handle. IMO this else part is not test-coverable (or is it?) and simple if >0 then use uint64...

> In my particular case https://github.com/bbkr/UpRooted/blob/master/t/31-reader-mysql.rakutest#L42 - this hit me here when I was checking how dumped data is presented for consumption and was unable to truly test whole field...

The code you suggest seems reasonable to me but it doesn't quite work. In this branch: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/DBIish/commit/ed66c7e48651f2b18bab04bdbfd6a37baa2edb4f We get this test result: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/DBIish/actions/runs/3541415105/jobs/5945651204#step:12:201 These values: ``` 9223372036854775808 18446744073709551615 ``` Come...

Are you sure MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG handles those values? I'm reading it as an int64_t .