refinerycms_membership icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
refinerycms_membership copied to clipboard

NoMethodError in MembersController#create undefined method `role_ids' for nil:NilClass

Open michaelward82 opened this issue 13 years ago • 4 comments

I'm receiving this error after member registration.

I believe it is related to the redirect_to(is_admin? ? admin_memberships_path : root_path ) call to is_admin? that fails when calling !(current_user.role_ids & [REFINERY_ROLE_ID, SUPERUSER_ROLE_ID]).empty?

Any advice on how to overcome this?

michaelward82 avatar Sep 04 '11 18:09 michaelward82

Are those defined? Each of those constants corresponds to a role in the database.


On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 2:52 PM, michaelward82 < [email protected]>wrote:

I'm receiving this error after user registration.

I believe it is related to the redirect_to(is_admin? ? admin_memberships_path : root_path ) call to is_admin? that fails when calling !(current_user.role_ids & [REFINERY_ROLE_ID, SUPERUSER_ROLE_ID]).empty?

Any advice on how to overcome this?

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rbriank avatar Sep 04 '11 18:09 rbriank

In rails console:

Load the user that was created by membership registration

> current_user = User.last
 => #<User id: 15, username: "[email protected]", email: "[email protected]", encrypted_password: "$2a$10$EIkfVTguTQuINMUYgELnmOn25Ty3cOGKrEn1NVSjuU21...", persistence_token: nil, created_at: "2011-09-04 18:48:17", updated_at: "2011-09-04 18:48:17", perishable_token: nil, current_sign_in_at: nil, last_sign_in_at: nil, current_sign_in_ip: nil, last_sign_in_ip: nil, sign_in_count: nil, remember_token: nil, reset_password_token: nil, remember_created_at: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, title: nil, phone: nil, fax: nil, website: nil, organization: nil, street_address: nil, city: nil, province: nil, postal_code: nil, member_until: nil, membership_level: "Member"> 
> !(current_user.role_ids & [REFINERY_ROLE_ID, SUPERUSER_ROLE_ID]).empty?
 => false 

It seems to me that current_user isn't being set.

michaelward82 avatar Sep 04 '11 19:09 michaelward82

I have found that modifying the create method in members_controller.rb and adding sign_in(@member) fixes the problem.

At the moment I don't understand how this controller can function correctly without this modification. Is something going wrong in my setup?

def create
    @member =[:member])
    @member.username =
    @member.membership_level = 'Member'



      redirect_to(is_admin? ? admin_memberships_path : root_path )

      @page = Page.find_by_link_url('/members/new')
      @member.errors.delete(:username) # this is set to email
      render :action => :new



michaelward82 avatar Sep 04 '11 19:09 michaelward82

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rbriank avatar Nov 02 '11 11:11 rbriank