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Approximate dynamic programming for stochastic optimal control in Pytorch
embeds into Pytorch and serves the numerical solution of Markovian discrete-time stochastic optimal control problems, facilitating the application of user-defined neural networks in control optimization and value function approximation.
Its list-like interfaces make concise implementations of typical backwards-iterative approximate dynamic programming algorithms easy.
Quick Example
Consider the following state and cost functions together with some number of steps (defining a simple one-dimensional linear-quadratic problem):
.. code-block:: python
steps = 2
def linear_state(state, control, z):
return {'state': state + control * (1 + z)}
def running_cost(state, control):
return state ** 2 + control ** 2
def terminal_cost(state):
return state ** 2
To solve this problem, create an empty CostToGo
-instance of required length:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from ml_adp import CostToGo
>>> cost_to_go = CostToGo.from_steps(steps)
>>> cost_to_go
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | None | None
1 | None | None | None
2 | None | None | None
(3) | None | |
Set the state and cost functions:
.. code-block:: python
>>> cost_to_go.state_functions[:-1] = linear_step
>>> cost_to_go.cost_functions[:-1] = running_cost
>>> cost_to_go.cost_functions[-1] = terminal_cost
>>> cost_to_go
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | None | running_cost
1 | linear_state | None | running_cost
2 | linear_state | None | terminal_cost
(3) | None | |
Define a parametrized control function architecture:
.. code-block:: python
import torch
class LinearControl(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1, bias=False)
def forward(self, state):
return {'control': self.linear(state)}
Set the control functions:
.. code-block:: python
>>> for i in range(len(cost_to_go) - 1): # No need for control at final time
... cost_to_go.control_functions[i] = LinearControl()
>>> cost_to_go
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
1 | linear_state | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
2 | linear_state | None | terminal_cost
(3) | None | |
Make sense of an initial state for the problem and sample a random effect for each step of the simulation:
.. code-block:: python
>>> initial_state = {'state': torch.tensor([[1.]])}
>>> random_effects = [{'z': torch.randn(10000, 1)} for _ in range(cost_to_go.steps())]
Simulate the total cost of the problem as incurred by the current control functions:
.. code-block:: python
>>> cost_to_go(initial_state, random_effects).mean()
tensor(6.6254, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
Slice and recompose:
.. code-block:: python
>>> head, tail = cost_to_go[:1], cost_to_go[1:]
>>> head
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
(1) | linear_state | |
>>> tail
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
1 | linear_state | None | terminal_cost
(2) | None | |
>>> head + tail
time | state_func | control_func | cost_func
0 | | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
1 | linear_state | LinearControl( ... | running_cost
2 | linear_state | None | terminal_cost
(3) | None | |
Slicing and composition is consistent with the functional behavior of CostToGo
.. code-block:: python
>>> head_cost = head(initial_state, random_effects[:1])
>>> intermediate_state = head.state_evolution(initial_state, random_effects[:1])
>>> tail_cost = tail(intermediate_state, random_effects[1:])
>>> (head_cost + tail_cost).mean() # Expect the same result as above:
tensor(6.6254, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
Leverage these properties in the concise formulation of backward-iterative control optimization and value function approximation algorithms and turn cost_to_go
turn into the actual cost-to-go function
_ of the given problem.
.. _cost-to-go function:
Detailed documentation is available here