Results 18 comments of Romain Bignon

That's strange, I never experienced this… Do you use the latest version of cloudscraper, and do you run your script from a home ISP (not from a server)?

Yes, I guess it is harder to bypass cloudflare from a server. :)

Hi gitolicious, To parse from a yaml config file, you can use jsonargparse: (see the "Configuration files" section)

Bonjour, Il y a un correctif sur les erreurs 50x, mais uniquement sur la recherche pour l'instant.

Hi, Even if the name relies on Doctolib, it would not be a problem to support other platforms (like youtube-dl supports other kinds of video platforms). However, it is not...

Hello, Thank you for your contribution. It seems nice, but I don't know if these rules apply in Germany. If not, perhaps it would be better to exclude vaccines only...