Robert Biggs

Results 21 comments of Robert Biggs

Just so you know, self-closing tags should always have at least one space character between the tag name and the U+002F ("/") character. Not including a space should result in...

Composi shares some features externally with React because of the use of JSX. This provides JSX features such as `props` to pass data down like in React. It has a...

Well, technically lifecycle hooks are not events. That's why I call them hooks. The just look like events due to the React precedence. They are actually just JSX attributes that...

OK, just uploaded this project: It was created with `create-react-app`. I added Composi as a dependency. The components are React 16 functional components using React hooks. It has a...

When this project first runs, a subscription launches that fetches initial data from a JSON file in the `public/data` folder. It also uses the Composi module `@composi/idb`, which is a...

By the way, this project is basically the same as the full Composi project: The Composi project has a total JavaScript payload of 23KB minified. This React version has...

As an update to this issue, I've created a version of @composi/core that is just the state manage, along with tagged unions and batched effects.It weighs in a about 600...

That's because TypeScript treats JSDoc types `object` and `Object` as `any`. You can designate a generic object using `Object.`. So, redoing the above will give you the proper intellisense for...

@THoisington, for that to work, you need to first define a custom object for the options, and then define its properties. Then you assign that custom type as your parameter:...

I dunno. To me this makes no sense. You never describe how to set up a project: package.json? npm install? What are the dependencies? How do you build it? etc.