fast-rcnn copied to clipboard
Error using textread (line 166) File not found.
First I trained a VGG_CNN_M network, using command "./tools/ --gpu 0 --solver models/VGG_CNN_M_1024/solver.prototxt \
--weights data/imagenet_models/VGG_CNN_M_1024.v2.caffemodel"
Then I run the test "./tools/ --gpu 0 --def models/VGG_CNN_M_1024/test.prototxt --net output/default/voc_2007_trainval/vgg_cnn_m_1024_fast_rcnn_iter_40000.caffemodel"
At the end of the test I got error in VOCevaldet (line 30), here I put that part of output:
Running: cd /home/andsonye/github/fast-rcnn/tools/../lib/datasets/VOCdevkit-matlab-wrapper && matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -r "dbstop if error; voc_eval('/home/andsonye/github/fast-rcnn/tools/../lib/datasets/../../data/VOCdevkit2007','comp4-19028','test','/home/andsonye/github/fast-rcnn/output/default/voc_2007_test/vgg_cnn_m_1024_fast_rcnn_iter_40000',1); quit;"
< M A T L A B (R) >
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August 13, 2013
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aeroplane: pr: load: 120/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 294/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 468/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 629/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 794/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 959/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1120/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1288/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1446/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1610/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1777/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 1931/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2101/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2259/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2435/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2545/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2700/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 2863/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3022/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3181/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3331/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3496/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3662/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3817/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 3979/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4136/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4293/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4465/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4633/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4791/4952 aeroplane: pr: load: 4950/4952 Error using textread (line 166) File not found.
Error in VOCevaldet (line 30) [ids,confidence,b1,b2,b3,b4]=textread(sprintf(VOCopts.detrespath,id,cls),'%s %f %f %f %f %f');
Error in voc_eval>voc_eval_cls (line 36) [recall, prec, ap] = VOCevaldet(VOCopts, comp_id, cls, true);
Error in voc_eval (line 8) res(i) = voc_eval_cls(cls, VOCopts, comp_id, output_dir, rm_res);
166 error(message('MATLAB:textread:FileNotFound')); K>>
Can anyone tell me what's the problem? Thanks.
In VOCCode, inside the VOCdevkit folder, there will be a file called VOCinit.m . In that, on around line 31, change the VOC.testset to 'test' instead of 'val'
Problem solved. Thanks ; )
Hi...I am still facing the issue when I changed the VOC.testset to 'test' instead of 'val'. Please help me in resolving this ?
@vvkdby Thank you .It solved my problem.
@AndsonYe I have the same problem,how to solve?Thank you!
I have the same problem,i thinks this problem is caused by lacking files in your datasets