Richard Bayet
Richard Bayet
I was about to reply the same thing as @romainruaud. It should help with the issue of your many "unassigned shards" and the yellow status of your cluster: you were...
Hello @radub, Thanks for providing the exact Elasticsuite version. So you're on the last version published version, and it's possible the problem you described has been fixed since (a new...
OK, @radub and @vahonc, the first issue (wrong label for the max handle) - is indeed historic - has indeed been fixed in the adaptative slider but not the classic...
Hello @volanar, I tried an [online version]( of Punto Switcher (not sure it's official) to try to understand the situation. By typing "rhjdfnm", it gives me "кровать" which is indeed...
Hello @vseager, Yes historically, there were multiple issues with locales other than en_US with the date picker widget/form component. The problem you are described used to occur also on special...
Hello @alin1918, Thanks for the PR ! What do you think of the proposed change to use 'read_timeout' as far as possible from the name of the system.xml variable up...
Hello @alin1918, Thanks for your explanations. Indeed you used the correct naming conventions. Could you simply squash your two commits with a commit message along the way of "Fixes #2011...
@alin1918, I was thinking about that test case of reindexing on a huge catalog and also for some particular operations. If that cannot be nicely done, maybe we'll go with...
Hello @achatpc, Does the PR work on your side ? Regards,
OK, just saw the exchanges in ...