**Original reporter:** Andrew at ISIS **Describe the bug** If you use `ReflectometryBackgroundSubtraction` and set `ProcessingInstructions` to `False` it assumes you want to subtract with spectrum or workspace index 0 rather...
_Please read all comments to get full picture of the issue, as the problem appears to be more general than first described here._ **Describe the bug** We've had reports of...
A Sans2D user was unable to time slice their data beyond a certain point because the beam was off for an extended period during the middle of a run. The...
The unit test code for `PolarizationCorrectionWildes` would benefit from reducing some of the code duplication and potentially improving some of the readability to help us maintain and extend it over...
When adding a peak in the Fit browser (see test 8, step 5 in the [Engineering Diffraction manual testing instructions](https://developer.mantidproject.org/Testing/EngineeringDiffraction/EngineeringDiffractionTestGuide.html)), if you add a non BackToBackExponential peak and then change...
Here are some suggested updates to the manual testing instructions for the Engineering Diffraction interface following manual testing for version 6.10: - [ ] It would be good to introduce...
The `PolarizationCorrectionWildes` algorithm takes one of six possible flipper configurations, which map to the order of the workspaces in the input workspace group. POLREF currently have a flipper setup that...
**Original reporter:** Steve from the SANS Group at ISIS, on behalf of a facility user **Describe the bug** When performing a merged reduction, if the option to scale using a...
The following improvements have been requested by our scientists for the `SANSTubeCalibration` algorithm, which is used for calibrating the Sans2d instrument at ISIS: - [x] The cvalue printed output should...
Equivalent to #35067, but to be added to the `PolarizationCorrectionFredrikze` algorithm. This algorithm is not normally used by POLREF, but it would still be good to have the option to...