Renata Barreto
Renata Barreto
optional question in challenge 2 in barplot asks students to make a pie chart; pie charts are outdated, add a different question and remove pie charts altogether
installing pyroot through ! for the terminal only works for mac - add the windows version
I think in Part 3 there’s some code that doesn’t run - need to double check
need to add answers to day 2 challenge 3
error: array sizes (30, 30, 50) don't line up
@rbarreto -- remove alpha from all the docs in NMF (notebook on topic modeling) and in solutions notebook too
Topic Modeling is lesson number 4 but it is taught as the 3rd workshop in the series, whereas Word Embedding is lesson number 3 but it is taught as the...
I still get a warning when I run the code but some students got an actual error. This is the code that returns the error: nmf = NMF( n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state,...
Code that generates error: tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform(data) tokens = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() Error: Attribute Error: tfidfvectorizer does not have attribute 'get_feature_names_out'