
Results 404 comments of Kolja

Your right, I guess that's spa specific then :/

I think the easiest way to get around this would be to allow to paste the page content by hand and then run your logic on it.

Yeah, but angular is not nice about that. Anyway, it's not the fault of your tool. Should we reword this issue or close it?

This would be great. Coming from other implementations, it seems weird to add everything to the `data-tooltip` attribute.

Correct, but I don't know the release process of this project, so pardon my previous comment.

Would be great to get "workspace/configuration"

I don't think 1 would fix this? Maybe I'm not getting what your saying, just in case, some clarification. The matching is also broken after the dot and not only...

Seems like this is not supported by redis-py via create_index? https://redis-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_modules/redis/commands/search/commands.html?highlight=score#

I'm not sure how to get the `weight` or the `score` on aggregate, to be able to mash that up with a weighting of the downloads. And for the weighting...

You will need to grab dependencies at some point, but you can just use the cache after that.