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This repository is home to the original protobuf interface definitions which are used throughout the Raystack ecosystem.
This repository is home for the protocol buffer files which are used throughout ODPF ecosystem.
Why a single protos repository?
Following are the considerations for going with single repository:
- This repository contains protocol buffers that have common patterns and APIs that services can reuse instead of spending effort in writing these protobufs. Each subdirectory contains details of the respective protos.
- Validation, generation, and other proto-related operations can be placed in one place. Thus, avoid duplication.
- We also see good possibility to reuse proto schema. Have it in one place make it easy to import proto.
Proton does not provide compiled language specific proto files or the descriptor sets for the respective protos. It is upto the users to pull these protos and use protoc
for language specific compiled files and have dependencies/imports in their code.
Proton has flat structure where proto files are put under /odpf/proton/<application>/. Each application's sub directory read me provides details on how to use the respective proto.
Generating go code using buf
This guide is last tried on buf version 1.5.0
Add this buf.gen.yaml
at the root folder.
version: v1beta1
- name: go
out: dst
opt: paths=source_relative
Run below command to generate your proto to /dst
buf generate
Use below command if you just want to target specific package/folder
buf generate --path odpf/assets
Prerequisite: You need to have buf installed
You can add proto files when you need to introduce proto for ODPF projects. If you need to modify proto files, you need to ensure backward compatibility. To ensure the backward compatibility of your changes, you can run
buf breaking --against '.git#branch=master'
Proton is Apache 2.0 licensed.