Raymond Dodge

Results 35 comments of Raymond Dodge

The hard way to access that main method in the distributed jars is: open `Fire_Emblem_Multiplayer_V2.jar` as if it were a zip file, edit `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` by change the line `Launcher-Main-Class: net.fe.FEMultiplayer`...

Being extremely crude in the discarding, and not knowing any way to automate it, yes it is possible to get a smaller jar to run the map editor. Just discarding...

That article is 99% describing mini-tiles, which are stupid and no and especially if we are stealing resources not designed for minitiling, and 1% almost hinting at [what Squidi calls...

As long as the brushes are "Mountain" or "Path" or "Plains" and not "Tile Number 23" or "Tile Number 65", then it is possible to make a graphical editor.

I believe that the generic given is allowing scala to find a `CanEqual[Test1 | Test2, Test1 | Test2]`, which due to CanEqual's variance, satisfies the need for a `CanEqual[Test1, Test2]`.

`Eq` is contravariant. If `MyEq` is made contravariant, then the same rules will apply to `MyEq` as to `Eq`: https://scastie.scala-lang.org/BIbZaKwFR7ihbTQGl7lJCg

Otherwise, you end up with strict equals being too strict, and not being able to compare things that should be comparable. Like how in munit, which tries to have a...

Re Auto tiling: [View-Tile Rulesets](http://www.squidi.net/three/entry.php?id=166) ([Demo](http://www.squidi.net/threep/p166/)); The article is written more from the perspective of procedural generation than a WYSIWYG editor, but it does cover considerations that the other two...

If taking #177 / #183 into account: a spectator who leaves the results screen of a first game after the active players start a second game should also be able...

I think the biggest consequence of combining the two halves of the red or blue boards is that the boards change go from two 144 pixel tall boards to one...