Raymond Dodge
Raymond Dodge
Creating a lossy encoder for a lossless format is definitely possible. [pngquant](https://pngquant.org/) exists for png.
When calling `new java.io.FileWriter` (or `new java.io.OuputStreamWriter` or `java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedWriter`), the method has an optional `java.nio.charset.Charset` parameter, which has an unspecified default value but can be set to `java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8` to tell...
Having gzip or brotili or whatever other compression format wrap a qoi file is good enough; there is no reason to make those external compressions a part of the qoi...
Currently, "Brave" (in addition to the dark magic effects) is defined in [Weapon::getTriggers](https://github.com/eliatlarge/FEMultiPlayer-V2/blob/1771bdab336e63216c9e7a1539c234c40a35d16f/src/net/fe/unit/Weapon.java#L172). If Brave is to be extracted to `weapons.txt`, then Luna and Nosferatu might as well be too....
Is the Regalia/Rapier/None lord weapon option in scope? Because "Regalia" and "Rapier" could be a useful category when that becomes a thing. It would be easy enough to do that...
 I can do the shop greyed-out graphics; the thing is that since Eli does squash merging, and squashing tends to remove unimportant details like a secondary author, I'd selfishly...
I'll echo Duffle's remark from the reddit thread > Some characters take less investment than others, and it's your job to find out who. This is not a problem …...
The run games in an unconstrained single-threaded game loop. In effect, the frame rate is exactly as fast as a single CPU core will let it run. Like, my machine...
I don't know about the GBA, but the GB and GBC run at 59.6 FPS and I'd think the GBA would be the same. The two animations https://www.reddit.com/user/Cardalilyn gave us...
`net.fe.editor.LevelEditor` is in the distributed `Fire_Emblem_Multiplayer_V2.jar`, but given the fat-jaring-lwjgl nonsense, I wouldn't know an easy way to access that main method in the distributed jars. `java -cp Fire_Emblem_Multiplayer_V2.jar net.fe.editor.LevelEditor`...