CustomAlertViewDialogue copied to clipboard
Custom AlertView Dialogue is the world's most advanced alert view library. Custom AlertView Dialogue includes simple message popups, confirmation alerts, selector popups, action sheet bottom menus, an...
Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. > Could not find com.eightbitlab:blurview:1.5.0. Searched in the following locations: - - -
Hello, thank you, you have a very cool library. I wanted to ask how can I programmatically hide the diolog. Are there methods similar to dialog.dismiss (), dialog.cancelable ()?
Good day, Searchy, thanks for this awesome library, really made my project easy, but am having issues with the Input form, I implemented it as stated in the documentation, but...
Can we make a progress dialog with this library?
Hi, i set a CustomAlertDialogue.Style.ACTIONSHEET, i want to change backgroud and items title color but i can't do it. ".setBackgroundColor(R.color.negative)" now working. ``` ArrayList other = new ArrayList(); other.add("1199,99 TL...
Every Time
Hi searchy !!! Very nice work from you. I have one problem. I want to use a larger text with 3 -4 sentences. But if the dialog opens i cannot...
I build my ArrayList for the hints texts every time new. Also, the alert object itself is created new every time. Showing up the alert for the first time, it...