Hi @lunaleaps , Sorry about that, I'm a little not familiar with the `GitHub Pull Request flow`, and I clicked the `resolve conversation` by mistake. I agree with your suggestion...
modified the code and also rebased it.
> Yes, I used extension bisect and found out that it was the auto import plugin that was causing my cpu (code helper plugin) usage to skyrocket and my computer...
> > > > ~Same issue, any wordarounds?~ > > > As a workaround or me, was to: > > > > > > 1. Clean cache > > >...
@lencx 我是允许的任何来源,上方有截图。
@lencx m1 pro,是直接下载的安装包,`brew install` 的方式之前没试。 今天在公司试了一下公司的电脑,m1 的,`ChatGPT_0.11.0_macos_aarch64` 的包下载下来安装打开是可以的,`brew install` 却显示不可用,不知道为啥
@szcharlesji 好的,谢谢
@pasquale95 Yes I have submitted a PR.
@hkamran80 Not the same. I even can't see the blue point in most cases, It comes out occasionally... I Have added the Squirrel to the settings manually.