raydium-contract-instructions copied to clipboard
any suggestion about get price from solana chain?
I want to monitor raydium pair’s price and liquidity by my scripts.
I fetch AccountInfo and decode it as following for usdc-sol pair.
{'AmmInfo': {'status': 1, 'nonce': 254, 'orderNum': 7, 'depth': 3, 'coinDecimals': 9, 'pcDecimals': 6, 'state': 4, 'resetFlag': 1, 'minSize': 100000000, 'volMaxCutRatio': 0, 'amountWaveRatio': 5000000, 'coinLotSize': 100000000, 'pcLotSize': 1000000, 'minPriceMultiplier': 1, 'maxPriceMultiplier': 1000000000, 'systemDecimalsValue': 1000000000, 'minSeparateNumerator': 5, 'minSeparateDenominator': 10000, 'tradeFeeNumerator': 25, 'tradeFeeDenominator': 10000, 'pnlNumerator': 12, 'pnlDenominator': 100, 'swapFeeNumerator': 25, 'swapFeeDenominator': 10000, 'needTakePnlCoin': 8140863902844, 'needTakePnlPc': 917642085053, 'totalPnlPc': 9066692582132, 'totalPnlCoin': 105254831342614, 'poolTotalDepositPc': 1047021925663273, 'poolTotalDepositCoin': 2415515000447854, 'swapCoinInAmount': 25165089716375387, 'swapPcOutAmount': 2737002418974453, 'swapCoin2PcFee': 6440123606819, 'swapPcInAmount': 2502424906491424, 'swapCoinOutAmount': 22786439552198306, 'swapPc2CoinFee': 61864243713227}
Can not figure out these number meaning and It is different from the swap page's price and liquidity.
besides, what "pc" means in Amm accountinfo layout?
Looks like coin and pc are a pair, coin means base, pc means quote. I guess the full name of pc is popular coin.
pc means price currency, it is a terminology inherited from Serum.
total_token_pc = amminfo.pc_vault.balance + amminfo.openorder.total_quote - amminfo.need_taken_pnl_pc total_token_coin = amminfo.coin_vault.balance + amminfo.openorder.total_base - amminfo.need_taken_pnl_coin
coin_price = total_token_pc / total_token_coin
total_token_pc = amminfo.pc_vault.balance + amminfo.openorder.total_quote - amminfo.need_taken_pnl_pc total_token_coin = amminfo.coin_vault.balance + amminfo.openorder.total_base - amminfo.need_taken_pnl_coin
what is openorder.total_quote and openorder.total_base? And .pc_vault.balance /coin_vault.balance balance of tokens in vault Account?
pub struct AmmInfo {
pub status: u64,
pub nonce: u64,
pub order_num: u64,
pub depth: u64,
pub coin_decimals: u64,
pub pc_decimals: u64,
pub state: u64,
pub reset_flag: u64,
pub min_size: u64,
pub vol_max_cut_ratio: u64,
pub amount_wave_ratio: u64,
pub coin_lot_size: u64,
pub pc_lot_size: u64,
pub min_price_multiplier: u64,
pub max_price_multiplier: u64,
pub system_decimals_value: u64,
pub min_separate_numerator: u64,
pub min_separate_denominator: u64,
pub trade_fee_numerator: u64,
pub trade_fee_denominator: u64,
pub pnl_numerator: u64,
pub pnl_denominator: u64,
pub swap_fee_numerator: u64,
pub swap_fee_denominator: u64,
pub need_take_pnl_coin: u64,
pub need_take_pnl_pc: u64,
pub total_pnl_pc: u64,
pub total_pnl_coin: u64,
pub pool_total_deposit_pc: u128,
pub pool_total_deposit_coin: u128,
pub swap_coin_in_amount: u128,
pub swap_pc_out_amount: u128,
pub swap_coin2pc_fee: u64,
pub swap_pc_in_amount: u128,
pub swap_coin_out_amount: u128,
pub swap_pc2coin_fee: u64,
pub pool_coin_token_account: Pubkey,
pub pool_pc_token_account: Pubkey,
pub coin_mint_address: Pubkey,
pub pc_mint_address: Pubkey,
pub lp_mint_address: Pubkey,
pub amm_open_orders: Pubkey,
pub serum_market: Pubkey,
pub serum_program_id: Pubkey,
pub amm_target_orders: Pubkey,
pub pool_withdraw_queue: Pubkey,
pub pool_temp_lp_token_account: Pubkey,
pub amm_owner: Pubkey,
pub pnl_owner: Pubkey,
pub struct SerumMarket {
_blob_5: [u8; 5],
pub account_flags: u64,
pub own_address: Pubkey,
pub vault_signer_nonce: u64,
pub coin_mint: Pubkey,
pub pc_mint: Pubkey,
pub coin_vault: Pubkey,
pub coin_deposits_total: u64,
pub coin_fees_accrued: u64,
pub pc_vault: Pubkey,
pub pc_deposits_total: u64,
pub pc_fees_accrued: u64,
pub pc_dust_threshold: u64,
pub req_q: Pubkey,
pub event_q: Pubkey,
pub bids: Pubkey,
pub asks: Pubkey,
pub coin_lot_size: u64,
pub pc_lot_size: u64,
pub fee_rate_bps: u64,
pub referrer_rebates_accrued: u64,
_blob_7: [u8; 7],