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vim as a programming IDE
The init.lua is highly optimized for loading performance. Packer lazy loading + After rendering async plugin loading. Maybe the only one that can render multiple files with treesitter in less than 100ms with ~80 plugins installed
Please check branches of this repo
- plug branch (plug, coc)
- lspsaga branch (lspsaga, packer, lspconfig)
- nvim-comple branch (dein, nvim-complete)
- master latest
I used to use slickedit, qt-creator, idea (webstorm, goland), vscode, but I am back to vi now. Thanks for Dein.vim
I do
not need to configure my setup everytime....... I am still using sublime edit(as a notepad)
vimr is one of the best nvim-gui. But it does not in active development(It is hard for a one developer project), some of the crash durning coding is annoying. I only use nvim(nightly) + kitty now.
The Plug
config is located in branch Plug branch
nvim+kitty configured with pop menu:
nvim clap preview:
nvim+kitty + compe :
Neovim Plugins
There are lots of amazing plugins, I used following plugin a lots
Dein is a great tool. Very fast and very well support for vim/neovim lazy loading. Change to Lua-Packer does not bring as great improvements as Plug -> Dein. But still about 80ms faster (~20%) for Golang codes loading. If you interested in Dein version, Please refer to Dein. This was the last Dein/Packer dual supports version I have (init.vim has a flag to choose). ATM, minium support for vim. Most plugins only works under neovim 0.5.0+.I followed Raphael(a.k.a glepnir) dotfiles. He provides a good wrapper for Packer. I have an
folder which will override the settings. Also, lots of changes in modules/plugins. luarock setup A.T.M. nvim-cmp as a completion engine with LSP, LSP saga. vim-multi-cursor, clap/telescope. treesitter, lazy load vim-go. So, other than module folder, I could copy/paste everything else from glepnir's configure file, which make my life easier. -
One of the best plugin for search anything. I used it to replace fzf, leaderF, leaderP, defx, Ag/Ack/Rg, yank(ring), project management. undolist and many more.
nvim-lsp with navigator.lua
I turn off vim-go auto-complete/LSP and turn to nvim-lsp. It adds around 200ms bootup time and some of the extensions might crash when I using coc (but it hard to check which becuase ~4 node.js services coc forked) Some useful script from TJ, and glepnir
nvim-tree: file-explorer (lightweight and fast) hrsh7th/nvim-compe: auto-complete vsnip: code snipts(Load snippet from VSCode extension). It is a full featured IDE.
Well, I am still using ALE and configure lint tools with it. It is good to find something compiler missed. But more and more task will move to efm-server
Programming support: Treesitter, nvim-lsp and navigator.lua, for golang, use go.nvim
vimspector, dlv, nvim-dap
Theme, look&feel:
home cooked Aurora, galaxyline (lua), devicons(lua), blankline(indent), Random load theme from aurora, tokyonight, moonlight, sonokai etc. I think aurora is great, but from time to time, I may get bored.
Primary with treesitter from nvim nightly (nvim-lsp and this make it hard for me to turn back to vim), log-highlight, limelight, interestingwords, hexokinase as a replacement for colorizer (display hex and color in highlight)
fugitive, gv, nvimtree, gitsigns.nvim, git-blame.nvim
tabular, lsp based code formating (or, sometimes prettier), auto-pair
Menu and tab: quickui(created a menu for the function/keybind I used less often. I can not remember all the commands and keybinds....) But Damn it, I spend lots of time to configure it, however, I rarely use it. So I end up delete the plugin. nvim-bufferline.lua: Yes, with lua and neovim only
Tools: floatterm, scrollview
Move and Edit:
easymotion -> hop, hlslens + vim-multi-cursor , vim-anyfold (better folding), Far for complex find and replace
OhMyZshell is good, iterm2 is popular, but I turned to zim(Zsh IMproved FrameWork ) + powerlevel10 + kitty. It is cooool and faster. nvim+kitty split view:
zimfw is faster than oh-my-zh and zpreztor regarding the loading speed.
Parking lots
These tools are good, but due to confliction, less use, or, not suite to my workflow
- vim/gvim
- YCM you complete me
- easymotion
- oh-my-zh, iterm2
- zpreztor
- rainbow
- defx