I added a workaround to this. In long term may need to file a PR for neovim.
is the toggle key setup can help you in this scenario?
TBH, there already checks to see if pop-menu (pmenu) in the code. https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim/blob/6f6252f63b0baf0f2224c4caea33819a27f3f550/lua/lsp_signature/helper.lua#L697-L704 But it not working well as there is no guarantee when pmenu will show. From what I...
The best way to check if floating is on ``` _LSP_SIG_CFG.winnr and _LSP_SIG_CFG.winnr > 0 and vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(_LSP_SIG_CFG.winnr) ```
You are right, there is a bug. Pushed a fix for it.
`CTRL-W j` move to preview and Try `j/k` or `CTRL-F/CTRL-B` But the preview only loaded part of the file, so you can not up/down too much
Hi, Cj I did a quick test on jedi. It works fine for me. Do I need a specific python code and a specific definition to be found to reproduce?...
Yes, and no. It feel strange Compared to markdown: Is there anything missing, e.g. concellevel etc? ( set to 1 in the above screenshot)
A fix was submitted. Please check if it works for you
Done. Please check latest version.