You have a `floating_window = true, ` in the setup. You can either set it to false or use the toggle key to disable the floating window.
what lsp you are using?
I do not think the signature will be active when you edit/delete the header file of c++ source code. Could you send the minimum vimrc and also the c++ file...
Sometime people may have too many cmp sources and slow down the cmp response time. Could you just enable LSP source in cmp and check if it still happens?
最好能提供完整的init.lua 文件 (< 100行)。 您可以参考https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim/blob/master/tests/init_pack.lua 录屏可以用gif格式。 > > 我不认为当您编辑/删除 c++ 源代码的头文件时签名会处于活动状态。你能发送最小的 vimrc 和 c++ 文件来重现吗?如果您也可以发送重现步骤和/或屏幕录制,那将很有帮助。 > > https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim/assets/76483540/e43917f3-c893-4673-af52-a7a2f38442cc I'm sorry, but my English is not very good. Also, I'm unsure...
Should be just ```lua require("lsp_signature").setup({ always_trigger = true, -- toggle_key = "", -- noice = true, }) ```
What debug command and argument you were using when you trying to debug the target? Do you have a minium setup so I can reproduce the issue? I do not...
Well, I think the debug info should not appear here. I pushed an update to fix those. Would you check if latest version works for you? Also in your launch.json....
@ccbhj Can you check if the latest version works for you?
Did you do anything else other than typing? I mean switch active windows back and forth etc.