aurora copied to clipboard
A vivid dark theme for (Neo)Vim. Optimized for treesitter, LSP.
A vivid 24-bit dark theme for vim/neovim. Highly configurable and cook your own color highlight. Good supports for popular languages and vim plugins, handcrafted support for LSP, Treesitter.
Languages explicitly styled
- All Neovim Treesitter highlighted-languages
- C++
- python
- js/ts
- json
- markdown
- yaml
- css
- sql
- golang
- html
Plugins explicitly styled
- coc
- ale
- vim-clap
- lsp/nvim-lsp
- signify
- gitgutter
- nvim lsp diagnostics.
- git-fugitive
- fzf
- telescope
- blankline
- gitsigns
- treesitter
You can change/add syntax highlight. Feel free to fork or make a PR.
To install:
call dein#add('ray-x/aurora') " for dein user
Plug 'ray-x/aurora' " for Plug user
set termguicolors " 24 bit color
let g:aurora_italic = 1 " italic
let g:aurora_transparent = 1 " transparent
let g:aurora_bold = 1 " bold
let g:aurora_darker = 1 " darker background
colorscheme aurora
lua setup
A lua version is provided, if the neovim version is higher than 0.6.x, lua script will be loaded automatically. The lua
version will be much faster as it using native API vim.api.nvim_set_hl()
My tests shows loading the theme 5000 times took 3s, which means 0.6ms loading time. The vim version normally 15ms startup time.
#### Howto update the theme:
This project is based on [Estilo](
Estilo allow you to define color palettes and syntax highlight and then generate .vim file for you.
To update the color, edit the yml file, and run:
npm install -g estilo
yarn render
copy colors/aurora.vim ~/.vim/plugged/aurora/colors/aurora.vim
Generate lua script:
cat ../colors/aurora.vim | awk -f aurora.awk > aurora.lua
And manually update the aurora.vim to call aurora.lua (estilo will not do it for you).
color palettes file is in
and syntax file in aurora/estilo/syntax/
fast startup time
On my intel 11 i7 xps, loading time is 2ms on average.
Show case
Go with treesitter
color palettes, more than 100 pre-defined color:
syntax color highlight:
color curl underline, better search highlight(only highlight bg and keep current fg color of the search text) on the right side: