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A drop-in replacement for Scikit-Learn’s GridSearchCV / RandomizedSearchCV -- but with cutting edge hyperparameter tuning techniques.
Running random search using vanilla `RandomizedSearchCV` and then the equivalent operation using tune_sklearn. In the first case, the incorrect parameter combination is gracefully handled by sklearn via the `error_score` parameter...
Hello, I currently cannot install this package when I use the pip installment. I have tried both ways of installing, and I get: ```bash pip3 install tune-sklearn ray[tune] ERROR: Could...
Hi everyone, I am having issues when using TuneSearch CV and a dictionary of scores. The dictionary is the following: ``` from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, cohen_kappa_score { 'kappa': make_scorer(cohen_kappa_score), 'kappa_quadratic':...
Hello, I am trying to assign a parameter search space to param_distributions that is a list of distinct search spaces. This is to enable me to search through multiple dimension...
Currently TuneSearchCV fails when provided with LGBMRegressor provided wrapped inside TransformedTargerRegressor. For example, this block would fail ``` regressor = LGBMRegressor(**config) regressor = TransformedTargetRegressorTwo( regressor=regressor, func=np.log1p, inverse_func=np.expm1 ) ``` Failure...
* Ray Version: 1.9.2 * tune-sklearn version: 0.4.1 I tried to run the example code below using ray cluster. ``` import ray # from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from tune_sklearn import...
GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV work well when dataset is small, but it's broken down when dataset is large. I read GridSearchCV implementation. In _fit() function, you put dataset to Ray Object...
Hi I am getting this error when I set use_gpu=True. (scheduler +6s) Tip: use `ray status` to view detailed cluster status. To disable these messages, set RAY_SCHEDULER_EVENTS=0. (scheduler +6s) Error:...
Hello, I am trying to pass a list of dictionaries to param_distributions in TuneSearchCV, but get the error: > C:\Anaconda3\envs\Scikit-Learn\lib\site-packages\tune_sklearn\tune_search.py in __init__(self, estimator, param_distributions, early_stopping, n_trials, scoring, n_jobs, refit, cv,...
"""Example using an sklearn Pipeline with TuneGridSearchCV. Example taken and modified from https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/compose/ plot_compare_reduction.html """ from tune_sklearn import TuneSearchCV from tune_sklearn import TuneGridSearchCV from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.pipeline import...