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TLS connection to smtp server with password
I'm trying to get something like you would see here.
For reference, I've used a node.js module, Nodemailer, that is able to implement that as seen in this example. It looks like the bulk of the work happens in this module.
I would like to add some more secure functionality to smtp. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Hi @samueleaton:
@sdogruyol asked for the same functionality for gmail smtp. There's 2 main features to implement, TLS connections (OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client, ) and Plain Auth (Super simple to implement). if you know the RFC's related to this features, you could help us with a Pull Request. I have a rough estimate to implement all the features in the first week of November, but i'm very bad with release dates :), so if you can help i'll appreciate it a lot.
Yeah looking at how some other libs do it it didn't seem like too much work. We should think of a good api and then get crackin'.
Even though there is more demand for gmail, I think most would agree that it should work for many services and let the user be able to "plug 'n play". The nodemailer team did some work for us and has gathered a list of common services with domain alias, ports and security types.
Maybe take in consideration this api:
yeah i was reading the source code earlier today and saw that ruby was using the openssl lib like you suggested.
See also: here's the code of TLS connection usage.
I'm using to auth with tls. Seems to work. Perhaps bringing the libs together somehow could help?
Hello @crisward
Nice to know about this lib, i'll put a message in the readme file. Is there something in that you'll like to see in the crystal-email code base to cover in a PR?.
Crystal email doesn't support HTML emails, and doesn't support attachments or tls. It'd be nice if we had one library with all the features.